As We Continue is a passively interactive installation. A machine coldly executes the action for which it has been programmed: to know, and remember over time, whether it is being watched or not.
It’s actually a very simple device. The piece is made of two mechanical timers mounted one above the other. One of them works as soon as someone looks at the work, while the other is triggered when no one looks at it.
As We Continue is a waiting game. It is an ongoing step in my exploration of technology and time. As we continue to shape them, as they continue to change us.
Thanks to Werktank and Recto-Verso for this production.

As We Continue est une installation passivement interactive ; une machine exécutant froidement l’action pour laquelle elle a été programmée : savoir, et se souvenir au fil du temps, si elle est regardée ou pas.
Concrètement, il s’agit d’un dispositif très simple. La pièce est faite de deux compteurs horaires mécaniques montés l’un au-dessus de l’autre. L’un d’eux fonctionne dès lors que quelqu’un regarde l’œuvre tandis que l’autre se déclenche en l’absence d’un tel regard.
As We Continue est une œuvre d’attente ; une étape en cours parmi les explorations de son concepteur, liées à la technologie et au temps. Alors que nous continuons à les façonner, alors qu’ils continuent de nous changer.
Merci à Werktank and Recto-Verso pour cette production.
pictures by Ernest Thiesmeier

Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Interractive installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric