Chacune des 22236 photos prises avec mon appareil avant qu'il ne casse.
Il s'est promené pendu à mon épaule pendant près de cinq ans, dans le cadre de mon projet un jour une image, avant qu'une voiture ne me renverse à Bruxelles et ne le casse.
Le premier poster contient le set complet d'images. Dans le second, chacune d'entre elles est réduite à sa couleur moyenne. Le troisième poster montre la couleur moyenne de l'ensemble des photos jamais prises avec cet appareil.

Each of the 22236 pictures that I ever took before my camera broke.
As part of my project un jour une image, I was carrying it on my shoulder everyday for almost five years when I got hit by a car in Brussels, which broke it.
The first poster contains the whole set of pictures. In the second poster, each of them is reduced to its average color. The third poster shows the average color of all the pictures that I ever took with this camera.

Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric Installation by contemporary Belgian artist Pierre Coric